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.nfInput.tooltipError .nfTextField:focus {
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.nfInput.tooltipValidated .nfTextField {
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.nfInput.tooltipValidated .nfTextField:focus {
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.nfEmailPhoneControls {
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.nfEmailPhoneControls.nfEmailPhoneHasSelector .nfTextField {
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.nfEmailPhoneControls {
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.nfEmailPhoneControls .ui-select-current {
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.nfEmailPhoneControls .ui-select-options {
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.nfPasswordInput {
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.nfPasswordInput .nfTextField::-ms-clear,
.nfPasswordInput .nfTextField::-ms-reveal {
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.nfPasswordControls {
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.nfPasswordHasToggle .nfPasswordControls {
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.nfPasswordHasToggle .nfPasswordControls .nfPasswordToggle,
.nfPasswordHasToggle .nfPasswordControls .nfTextField {
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.nfPasswordInError .nfPasswordControls {
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.nfPasswordToggle {
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.btn.waiting.akira-button-red span,
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.btn.waiting:disabled.akira-button span,
.btn.waiting:disabled.akira-button-red span {
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.btn-white:active {
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.login-input>.ui-text-input {
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@media only screen and (min-width:360px) {
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@media only screen and (min-width:500px) {
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@media only screen and (min-width:360px) {
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@media only screen and (min-width:360px) {
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.input-message.error {
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.ui-input-label.login-input-password {
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@media only screen and (min-width:350px) {
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.recaptcha-terms-of-use {
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.hybrid-password-wrapper {
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.hybrid-password-wrapper .hidden-input {
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.hybrid-password-wrapper .input-message {
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.hybrid-password-wrapper .input-message.error {
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.hybrid-password-wrapper.hybrid-password-shown .input-message.error {
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.hybrid-password-wrapper~.login-forgot-password-wrapper-left {
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@media only screen and (min-width:350px) {
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.hybrid-password>input {
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.show-toggle {
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.show-toggle:focus {
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.no-toggle {
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.password-reveal {
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.password-reveal-show-enter {
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.password-reveal-show-enter-active {
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.password-reveal-show-leave {
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.hybrid-login-wrapper {
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.hybrid-login-wrapper .ui-select-wrapper .select-arrow.prefix::after,
.hybrid-login-wrapper .ui-select-wrapper .select-arrow.prefix::before {
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.hybrid-login-form {
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.hybrid-login-form.hybrid-login-form-signup {
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@media only screen and (min-width:740px) {
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.hybrid-login-form h1 {
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.hybrid-login-form .ui-message-contents {
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.hybrid-login-form .login-input {
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.hybrid-login-form .placeLabel {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfTextField:-webkit-autofill+.placeLabel {
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.hybrid-login-form .hasText+.placeLabel,
.hybrid-login-form .nfTextField:focus+.placeLabel {
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.hybrid-login-form .login-input-static .nfTextField+.placeLabel {
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.hybrid-login-form .inputError {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfEmailPhoneInError .nfEmailPhoneControls,
.hybrid-login-form .nfPasswordInError .nfPasswordControls {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfEmailPhoneInError .nfEmailPhoneControls::after,
.hybrid-login-form .nfPasswordInError .nfPasswordControls::after {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfEmailPhoneControls {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfEmailPhoneControls .nfTextField {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfEmailPhoneControls .nfTextField::-ms-clear {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfEmailPhoneControls.nfEmailPhoneHasSelector .nfTextField {
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.hybrid-login-form {
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.hybrid-login-form .ui-select-wrapper::after {
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.hybrid-login-form .ui-select-options {
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@media only screen and (min-width:740px) {
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.hybrid-login-form .ui-select-item {
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.hybrid-login-form .ui-select-item-highlighted,
.hybrid-login-form .ui-select-item:hover {
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.hybrid-login-form .ui-select-item-link {
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.hybrid-login-form .ui-select-item-link .country-name {
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.hybrid-login-form .ui-select-item-link .country-code {
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.hybrid-login-form .ui-select-item-link .country-select-flag {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfPasswordControls {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfPasswordControls .nfTextField {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfPasswordControls .nfTextField::-webkit-credentials-auto-fill-button {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfPasswordControls .nfTextField::-webkit-caps-lock-indicator {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfPasswordControls .nfTextField::-ms-clear,
.hybrid-login-form .nfPasswordControls .nfTextField::-ms-reveal {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfPasswordControls .nfPasswordToggle {
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    padding: 0 12px;
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.hybrid-login-form .nfPasswordHasToggle .nfPasswordControls {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfPasswordHasToggle .nfPasswordControls .nfTextField {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfPasswordHasToggle .nfPasswordControls .nfTextField:-webkit-autofill {
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.hybrid-login-form .nfPasswordHasToggle .nfPasswordControls .nfPasswordToggle {
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.hybrid-login-form .login-button {
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.hybrid-login-form .hybrid-login-form-help {
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.hybrid-login-form .login-remember-me {
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.hybrid-login-form .login-remember-me input[type=checkbox]:active+label::before,
.hybrid-login-form .login-remember-me input[type=checkbox]:focus+label::before {
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.hybrid-login-form .login-remember-me input[type=checkbox]:checked+label::after {
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.hybrid-login-form .login-remember-me-label-text {
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.hybrid-login-form .login-help-link {
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.hybrid-login-form .hybrid-login-form-other {
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.hybrid-login-form .login-form {
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.hybrid-login-form .facebookForm .btn-submit {
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.hybrid-login-form .facebookForm .icon-facebook {
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.hybrid-login-form .facebookForm .fbBtnText {
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.hybrid-login-form .login-signup-now {
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.hybrid-login-form .login-signup-now a {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .hybrid-login-form {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .hybrid-login-form h1 {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .hybrid-login-form h1::before {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .hybrid-login-form .login-help-link {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .hybrid-login-form .hybrid-login-form-main {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .hybrid-login-form .hybrid-login-form-other .facebookForm .btn-submit {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .hybrid-login-form .recaptcha-terms-of-use {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .hybrid-login-form .hybrid-login-form-help .login-remember-me label {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .hybrid-login-form .hybrid-login-form-help .login-remember-me input[type=checkbox]+label::before {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .hybrid-login-form .hybrid-login-form-help .login-remember-me input[type=checkbox]:focus+label::before {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .hybrid-login-form .hybrid-login-form-help .login-remember-me input[type=checkbox]:checked+label::after {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .hybrid-login-form .login-signup-now a {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .nfEmailPhoneControls,
#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .nfPasswordControls {
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#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .nfEmailPhoneControls .nfTextField,
#appMountPoint .login-wrapper.isTvLogin .nfPasswordControls .nfTextField {
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